The driver’s profession has been seen as male’s job for years, but according to new data collected by the European Commission Women in Transport-EU Platform for Change, women represent the 22% of the workforce in the European transportation field. And every time, there are more women choosing this job.


In Andamur we wanted to know in detail some of their stories. Why they like the truck, how were their beginnings and what complications they might have found. In this sense, we have created a short series of three chapters named Women Truckers where we can get to know the stories of Cruz Fuentes, Vanessa Almagro and Luz Seller. 


Under the slogan “Strong, Capable, Truckers: WOMEN”, we will spend all week honouring women in the professional transportation field. Likewise, from March the 2nd, we have installed boards in all our stations giving name and voice to our series three protagonists. An action that will be replicated in our social media with more women truckers vindicating the role of women as truckers.


In addition, during International Women’s Day, all women truckers visiting our facilities will get a free menu for lunch in any of our stations.


All these activities carried out in commemoration of International Women’s Day are enrolled within our campaign Every Trip Matters in which we focus on what really matters to those who spend their life on the road. And this week, especially, we focus on women.