Retos para el sector del transporte en 2019

The transport sector is going through a good time. Although it represents 2.9% of the national GDP, 2018 finished with a promising growth figure: the world freight transport market grew 4.1%.

The new consumption models are demanding that we adapt to the new needs of international trade, to a larger stock rotation and an increase in transport services. And it looks like the sector is doing well. But the swiftness of the market forces us to remain vigilant.

These are some of the challenges that the sector faces in 2019. Among them, we find automation, connectivity, electrification and emission reduction:

  • The sector will intensify its efforts to reduce its environmental impact, generating further commitment and responsibility. In addition, efficient resource management will be essential.
  • Liquefied natural gas (LNG) vehicles will gradually become more important compared to those using traditional fuel, since they bring about many advantages to be taken into account.
  • Technology will burst into the sector. In an increasingly digitalised environment, the transport sector will evolve towards important changes both in roads and warehouses.
  • The customer will remain at the centre. Although this trend was observed some years ago, as time goes by, the customer has become more demanding, so the sector must be offering more and more.

In order for the transport sector to continue accounting for the good figures it represents now, fostering the opportunities offered by technology and their adaptation to the market is essential.