Andamur Continues Partnership with Jesús Abandonado Foundation for Bread Month

For the seventh consecutive year, we are joining forces with the Jesús Abandonado Foundation during the “Bread Month“, engaging in various charitable activities. 

Throughout April, we will cover the total cost of bread consumed in the foundation’s dining facilities. This initiative coincides with the anniversary of the opening of Andamur ‘El Límite’ on April 14, and we are pleased to support this organization to ensure the availability of this essential food item in the diets of its beneficiaries.

Additionally, some members of the Andamur team participated in an awareness and volunteer day at their social dining hall. This allowed them to firsthand experience the daily operations and the significant work carried out by the organization.

It is noteworthy that the Jesús Abandonado Foundation continues to increase its services to users year after year, operating 365 days a year. In 2022, they provided 220,138 food services including breakfasts, lunches, dinners, and snacks, amounting to 603 services per day. In 2023, they reached 244,731 services, an increase of 11.2%, with 670 daily services.

The forecast for this year, 2024, is to increase these services by about 10%, as they see the demand from users growing day by day.

Through these charitable actions at Andamur, we express our commitment to organizations like the Jesús Abandonado Foundation, which work tirelessly for social causes and the well-being of the community.

Down Lorca. Asociación para personas con Síndrome Down y Discapacidad Intelectual de la Comarca de Lorca (Andamur Lorca)

ASTEA. Asociación Autismo Almería (Huércal-Overa). (Andamur El Límite)

En Andamur Guarromán, la entidad de ámbito regional y la de ámbito local han empatado en número de votos por lo que cada organización ha obtenido la donación de 2.500 €.

ADACEA Jaén. Asociación de Daño Cerebral Adquirido de Jaén. 

Asociación Carmelo Seglar Linares. Trabajan para mejorar la calidad de vida de los mayores de la zona.

Desde Andamur queremos trasmitir nuestra felicitación a las 7 entidades más votadas y agradecemos al resto de proyectos solidarios que también han optado a la donación, por el gran trabajo que llevan a cabo en su día a día, ya que su labor es más que necesaria.

Por último, agradecemos a nuestros clientes por el apoyo que dan año tras año a “Tú Decides”.