Entries by andamur

Andamur receives the ISO:27001 Certificate becoming leader in Security

In Andamur, we have gained the ISO: 27001 Standard Certificate: Information Security Management System, becoming leaders in security in the country. This certificate grants the confidentiality, integrity and availability in the client’s data usage. Thus, we prove our capability to verify and manage risks and our line of commitment in one of the main assets […]


Andamur sustainable: our engagement with the future

In Andamur we take care of what really matters and we are aware of the importance of the environment for the future of our planet. We are thoroughly involved with sustainability, and thus, we have implemented a series of actions as a part of our SCR program #CuidamosLoQueImporta looking to reduce the environmental impact on […]

Do you check your tyre tread?

Tyres are an essential part to be able to drive in optimum safety conditions. They are very important for the safety of road users and the protection of transported goods.   If you do not pass the necessary inspections, this may result in problems such as loss of control, increased breaking time and lack of response. […]

Key actions to enhance sustainability in road transport

In Spain, road freight transport is the option chosen by many companies to carry out business. This transport sector generates high job and income potential, mainly owing to savings both in time and costs, and has recently achieved three essential aims: integration of new technologies, flexibility in delivery and commitment to environmental sustainability. The importance […]

Andamur obtains the ISO 9001 quality certificate for all its stations

As of today, all Andamur stations have the ISO 9001 quality certificate awarded by the Spanish Association for Standardization and Certification (AENOR). The aim of this certificate is to have the quality of our products and services guaranteed by an external and official entity. This way, Andamur proves that it integrates all its processes within […]


You decide, Andamur’s solidarity campaign starts today

The solidarity campaign You decide, with which we will donate EUR 30,000 to Spanish NGOs starts today, and we want our customers to be the main actors in this action. With this aim, users of our Service Areas will find tablets placed in all our stations from today until 15 December where they may choose […]

Tips to prevent thefts from your truck

Nowadays, the theft of goods on the road is very common in the transport sector. However, GPS technology has evolved a lot and has teamed up with truck drivers more than with thieves. But these systems have not put an end to thefts; this crime is always present in the road transport world. In order […]