Responsible consumption
At Andamur we believe that environmental commitment starts with us; it is an ongoing task and an integral part of our business culture. Through our ‘Andamur Ever Green’ plan we promote internal and external measures for environmental protection and responsible consumption.
We offer EcoTips to help protect the environment with small actions in our day-to-day life, explained in videos by our colleagues. We also certified for standard ISO 14001 as part of our Environmental Management System.
Waste management:
We control and monitor waste management in all our operational units, contracting authorised waste disposal managers.

Energy comsumption
Compared to our base year (2018), we have managed to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 15% in terms of Scope 1 and 2.
Photovoltaic energy
We have photovoltaic power generation systems for self-consumption at all of our own service areas. These systems allow us to use the sun’s energy responsibly and sustainably to meet some of our energy needs.
Thanks to the installation of the photovoltaic panels, it has been possible to generate self-consumption of 306,933 kWh, avoiding 84 tCOe of emissions in 2022.

Sustainable Mobility and Energy Transition
Our goal is to always be by custo-mers’ side and meet their needs. Energy transition currently plays a fundamental role in all sectors, but especially in the transport sector where decarbonisation is a strategic issue for all companies that are part of the supply chain.
With this in mind, in 2022 we created our Energy Transformation Area, responsible for leading and coordinating initiatives and strategies related to the transition of our service station network to greener and more sustainable energy sources.
Red de Estaciones Multienergía
Apostamos por la multienergía, no solo en nuestras estaciones propias, sino también ofreciendo una creciente red de asociadas donde nuestros clientes dispongan de la energía que necesiten, ahora y en el futuro.
El transporte pesado tiene necesidades particulares y en los planes de transformación energética de Andamur están recogidas.

We are CO2 neutral
We calculate, reduce and offset our carbon footprint.
We achieve CO2 neutrality through an exhaustive process that includes calculating, reducing and offsetting our carbon footprint.
Total CO2 emissions emitted by Andamur in 2021 (Scope 1 + Scope 2), a total of 403 tCO2 eq., equivalent to almost 1.7 million kilometres travelled by a car with a combustion engine, or more than 42 laps around the world.

Beach cleaning
For another year we volunteered to clean natural spaces on the beaches of the Cope-Calnegre Regional Park alongside the Naturactúa Lorca Association of Naturalists.
Some members of the Andamur team, together with their families, combed an area of about 1,000 m2, collecting 52 kilos of waste of various kinds, mostly related to agriculture.
A team-building day in which staff gained a deep understanding of the importance of this kind of initiative for protecting underwater life.

One refuel, one tree
With our ‘One refuel, one tree’ campaign of 5 June, World Environment Day, we promote the growth of our Corporate Forest with the help of our customers.

Andamur Forest
Over the last 4 years, with the help of the Bosqueo2 Association, we have been reforesting the Alagüeces public estate, located in the Zarzadilla de Totana district of Lorca in the Region of Murcia.
In this time, a total of 1,250 trees of native species were planted, with the Andamur team playing a key role by participating in various plantings and sponsoring trees.
Socially committed, at Andamur we take care of what matters and get involved in a better world for all those around us.

Recipes on the Road: Andamur Concludes Its International Cookbook Campaign Designed for Truck Drivers’ Routes

Great reception of our II International Women and Transportation Sector Forum

The II Andamur International Women and Transport Sector Forum promotes equity and visibility
At Andamur we are specialists in offering comprehensive services for carriers on their routes around Europe. Fuel cards, toll devices, VAT recovery and excise duties. We have 8 service areas in Spain and more than 900 partner stations on the main international transport routes.
Pol. Ind. Saprelorca
30817 Lorca (Murcia) ES
Calle Doctor Gonzalez Caraballo s/n, planta 2º, modulo 40, Edificio Porta Sevilla, (Sevilla) 41020
C/ Gómez Núñez , edificio nº 12-14, planta 1º, letra A, Ponferrada (León), 24402
C/ Mallorca 2, planta 4º despacho 406 P.I La Reva, Edificio ASG Centro de Negocios, Ribarroja del Túria, Valencia 46190
C/ del Electrodo, 70
1 Planta, izq. Letra G
28529 Rivas-Vaciamadrid
Pol. Industrial Zona Franca
C/ 29 del BZ,Nª 50-62, 3ª planta
08040 Barcelona
Urbanização do Cardal lote 24, 1ºAndar Porta 4
3025-007, Coimbra
Bagatela 12
00-585 Warszawa
Tel +48 221 530 235