Transporting dangerous goods is a task that requires a lot of responsibility. That is why its transport is governed by strict regulations and it is not enough to have the licence of the vehicle being driven, it is also necessary to have a special administrative authorisation, the European Agreement Concerning the Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR). This permit seeks to guarantee maximum safety conditions for transporting these substances in Spain, in the majority of European Union countries and in some areas of Asia and Africa.

When we speak of dangerous goods, we refer to the following substances and their subtypes: explosive goods, gases, flammable liquids, flammable solid, self-reactive and solid desensitised explosive materials, oxidising agents and organic peroxides, toxic and infectious materials, radioactive materials, corrosive materials and various dangerous materials and objects.

The ADR is valid for 5 years. To renew the authorisation, it is necessary to take retraining courses and to pass a Traffic Department examination again.

To obtain the ADR authorisation, the following requirements must be met:

  1. Have a class B driving licence for at least one year.
  2. Take a training course at an academy authorised by the DGT and pass the dangerous goods vehicle approval certificate
  3. Have normal residence in Spain.
  4. Not be judicially incapacitated from the right to drive motor vehicles or to have your licence suspended.
  5. To have the psychophysical aptitude to obtain the class C1 licence.

On the road it is always worthwhile to comply with the rules, for your safety and that of everyone. That is why you must train for this job. In the case of transporting dangerous goods without having obtained the ADR, the driver is committing a very serious offence punishable by fines.

Obtaining ADR not only allows you to transport dangerous goods, but also gives you the chance to expand your driving skills and do jobs you could not do before, expanding your job prospects.