Exercise en route
We are fully committed to ensuring that an increasing number of drivers have the opportunity to exercise during their journeys.
Encouraging physical activity is essential to improving truck drivers’ health and well-being.
With this in mind, we introduced a free gym at Andamur La Junquera. This means we can offer our customers the chance to maintain their exercise routines even during their long journeys.
We also run various initiatives to raise awareness on the importance of staying active. We share tips and suggestions that promote a dynamic lifestyle during breaks in the truck.
Watch your health en route
The need to promote measures that contribute to improving the health of drivers during their journeys is becoming increasingly evident.
At Andamur we work to achieve this through our ‘Watch Your Health En Route’ focus.
Watch your diet en route
At Andamur we are aware of how difficult it is for drivers to eat healthily while on the road. Which is why we help them watch their diet on every journey through various initiatives under our Watch Your Diet En Route focus.

Recipes en Route
An exquisite international recipe book created especially for drivers.
To create it we considered the culinary preferences of drivers of various nationalities, their practical needs during journeys and the utensils available in their trucks for cooking.
Ergonomic Truck Kit
To mark the Day of St. Christopher, the patron saint of drivers, in 2022 we held a special draw. Every driver who visited Andamur during the week was able to enter the draw for a valuable ergonomic kit, valued at 1,000 euros, for their vehicle’s cab.
Healthy corners and Cooking Kit for trucks
To mark World Food Day, every 16 October we provide our customers with a healthy and refreshing option at our service areas. Throughout the week, we offer our visitors fresh fruit and water.
And to celebrate World Water Day on 22 March, we hand out bottles of water to every driver to stress the importance of staying hydrated during their long working days.
But that’s not all: in 2022, we wanted to take our support for truck drivers even further, holding a draw for a complete cooking kit for trucks valued at 1,000 euros. The kit contained everything needed to turn a truck into a kitchen on wheels, enabling drivers to enjoy our delicious ‘Recipes on the Road’.

Trip to Disneyland
At Andamur, we like to think of truck drivers as the new Three Kings, bearing gifts on Epiphany. Thanks to their tireless work, all of Spain’s children can enjoy one of the most magical days of the year in the country, on 6 January, when they receive their gifts.
Which is why, on 6 January, a truck driver receives a unique and wonderful gift: a trip to Disneyland for four people. We want these heroes, who work hard so that we can all enjoy our festivities, to also have the chance to have magical and happy moments with their families.
Throughout the year, we carry out various awareness-raising actions with tips for truck drivers to maintain a healthy diet on their routes.

Soy Camionera Fuertes, Capaces, Camioneras: Mujeres
Con motivo del Día de la Mujer y en nuestro firme compromiso con la igualdad y la visibilidad de las mujeres en el ámbito laboral, en Andamur cada año lanzamos la campaña #SoyCamionera. En la que, a través de vídeos, ellas mismas o personas cercanas comparten sus experiencias y testimonios.
En 2022 los protagonistas del vídeo fueron las personas más importantes en la vida de estas camioneras: sus hijos e hijas. A través de sus ojos, se revela como valoran el trabajo de sus madres y como se sienten cuando ellas emprenden una nueva ruta o regresan a casa.
Socially committed, at Andamur we take care of what matters and get involved in a better world for all those around us.

Recipes on the Road: Andamur Concludes Its International Cookbook Campaign Designed for Truck Drivers’ Routes

Great reception of our II International Women and Transportation Sector Forum

The II Andamur International Women and Transport Sector Forum promotes equity and visibility
At Andamur we are specialists in offering comprehensive services for carriers on their routes around Europe. Fuel cards, toll devices, VAT recovery and excise duties. We have 8 service areas in Spain and more than 900 partner stations on the main international transport routes.
Pol. Ind. Saprelorca
30817 Lorca (Murcia) ES
Calle Doctor Gonzalez Caraballo s/n, planta 2º, modulo 40, Edificio Porta Sevilla, (Sevilla) 41020
C/ Gómez Núñez , edificio nº 12-14, planta 1º, letra A, Ponferrada (León), 24402
C/ Mallorca 2, planta 4º despacho 406 P.I La Reva, Edificio ASG Centro de Negocios, Ribarroja del Túria, Valencia 46190
C/ del Electrodo, 70
1 Planta, izq. Letra G
28529 Rivas-Vaciamadrid
Pol. Industrial Zona Franca
C/ 29 del BZ,Nª 50-62, 3ª planta
08040 Barcelona
Urbanização do Cardal lote 24, 1ºAndar Porta 4
3025-007, Coimbra
Bagatela 12
00-585 Warszawa
Tel +48 221 530 235