In addition, the Segura Food Bank will receive 2,507 euros that companies and individuals have donated through the solidarity challenge “So Much to Share”.

This week we have delivered the donations obtained through the solidarity challenge “So Much to share” that we started last December 1st. A challenge with which from Andamur we decided to make a donation of 50,000 euros to the Food Bank: 25,000 euros to the Food Bank of Almeria and 25,000 euros to the Food Bank of Segura. And, with the latter, we launched the solidarity challenge “So Much to share”. With this challenge we have asked for collaboration to raise the figure of 50,000 euros. Thus, we have encouraged the Andamur team itself, companies, customers and collaborators of Andamur and anyone else who would like to join in. Through our web page it has been possible to make donations during the days of the campaign and we have managed to collect 2,507 euros which we have given to the beneficiaries.


The Segura Food Bank

The Segura Food Bank (BASMUR) is a non-profit charitable organization considered to be of public utility, based on volunteer work, whose aim is to obtain food to be distributed, free of charge, among charitable organizations dedicated to the assistance and direct care of needy people within the Region of Murcia.

The fundamental values that preside over the work carried out by BASMUR are awareness, efficiency, transparency and solidarity.

It is worth highlighting some very significant figures and data that have increased substantially as a consequence of the economic crisis caused by the pandemic.

  • The number of people that BASMUR provides with food has increased from 30,151 in 2019 to 61,323 in 2020.
  • The number of kilos delivered has increased from 2.5 million in 2019 to 4.2 million in 2020
  • The entities to which we deliver food have increased from 169 to 225
  • The families we provide with food have increased from 12,000 to 20,000 in just 9 months.


The Food Bank of Almeria

 The Food Bank of Almería Foundation was created in 1999 with the aim of helping the most needy in the province of Almería. Throughout all these years it has increased its work until it reached these figures today.

  • The number of people to whom Food Bank of Almeria provides food has increased from 48,768 in 2019 to 64,107 in 2020.
  • The number of kilos delivered has increased from 3,179,340 million in 2019 to 3,229 million in 2020
  • The entities to which we deliver food have increased from 165 to 178.
  • The families to whom we provide food have increased from 16,470 to 20,242 since the health crisis.

Commitment, Overcoming and Complicity are the values of Andamur and this year they had to be represented more strongly than ever. That is why we have launched this initiative and others like the delivery of 9,600 FFP2 masks, in the first weeks of the pandemic, to the reference hospitals of the cities where our service areas are located.

All these solidarity initiatives are part of our CSR Plan #TakingCareOfWhatMatters in the axis Leadership and Future which frames the social commitment. With this plan we intend to give back to society a part of what it gives us as a company.